
14.10.23RavensburgKapuziner Kreativzentrum
14.10.23RavensburgKapuziner Kreativzentrum

Da hat es wieder gefunkt zwischen Tangotänzerinnen und Tangotänzern des oberschwäbischen Raums und Tangorra aus Buenos Aires!! Unvergesslich auch die After-Party mit DJ Fran Borra zu mitreissenden argentinischen Elektroklängen ... Danke für's Kommen und mit uns diese besondere Nische zu be-tanzen!

Da hat es wieder gefunkt zwischen Tangotänzerinnen und Tangotänzern des oberschwäbischen Raums und Tangorra aus Buenos Aires!! Unvergesslich auch die After-Party mit DJ Fran Borra zu mitreissenden argentinischen Elektroklängen ... Danke für's Kommen und mit uns diese besondere Nische zu be-tanzen!

19.8.23ZürichClub Silbando
19.8.23ZürichClub Silbando

Some tango-strains are as hot as fire!!
Fire can be invigorating, purifying, stimulating. Fire as a natural force which sets free contained energy. And finally it is a wonder, that such outbursts of energy can happen in human contexts that warm our hearts, minds and bodies, without neither burning our vivid bodies nor (innocent) trees.
Well, please, tolerate this metaphoric outburst, now a big THANK YOU to these great musicians Luigi, Stine, Mariano, Gonazalo, - who are Andariega. They created an unique atmosphere - together with the enchanting voice & soul of Marisol Martinez - and it was beautiful to see how they were celebrated and embraced by the dancers who were curious and brave enough to come and dance the heat!! Also a big THANK YOU to our excellent DJane of the night, Iskra, you are a real angel with colorful wings!! And also a big hug to the pillars of La Revolucion Milongas, Amanda & Hector, and the idea-givers, supporters and empanadas makers Juli & Nicolas of the night, and to Cesar Arroyo for some memorable snapshots of what it is about.... It is about collaboration, it is about art, and it is about pleasure.

Some tango-strains are as hot as fire!!
Fire can be invigorating, purifying, stimulating. Fire as a natural force which sets free contained energy. And finally it is a wonder, that such outbursts of energy can happen in human contexts that warm our hearts, minds and bodies, without neither burning our vivid bodies nor (innocent) trees.
Well, please, tolerate this metaphoric outburst, now a big THANK YOU to these great musicians Luigi, Stine, Mariano, Gonazalo, - who are Andariega. They created an unique atmosphere - together with the enchanting voice & soul of Marisol Martinez - and it was beautiful to see how they were celebrated and embraced by the dancers who were curious and brave enough to come and dance the heat!! Also a big THANK YOU to our excellent DJane of the night, Iskra, you are a real angel with colorful wings!! And also a big hug to the pillars of La Revolucion Milongas, Amanda & Hector, and the idea-givers, supporters and empanadas makers Juli & Nicolas of the night, and to Cesar Arroyo for some memorable snapshots of what it is about.... It is about collaboration, it is about art, and it is about pleasure.

18.8.23RavensburgKapuziner Kreativzentrum
18.8.23RavensburgKapuziner Kreativzentrum

Die Idee, und schlussendlich das Orchester Andariega und die tolle Sängerin Marisol Martinez fielen mit den Tänzern Duddie & Salomé auf fruchtbaren, oberschwäbischen Boden!! Ein wahres Tango-Sommer-Fest im Kapuziner mit tollen Leuten 'all over the place'! Vielen lieben Dank für's Kommen und mit uns ein schönes Tango-Fest in einem kreativen Rahmen mit Live-Musik zu feiern. Bis bald wieder!!

Die Idee, und schlussendlich das Orchester Andariega und die tolle Sängerin Marisol Martinez fielen mit den Tänzern Duddie & Salomé auf fruchtbaren, oberschwäbischen Boden!! Ein wahres Tango-Sommer-Fest im Kapuziner mit tollen Leuten 'all over the place'! Vielen lieben Dank für's Kommen und mit uns ein schönes Tango-Fest in einem kreativen Rahmen mit Live-Musik zu feiern. Bis bald wieder!!

1.8.23ZürichClub Silbando
1.8.23ZürichClub Silbando

I learned a lot about the capacity to play in this seminario !....! THANK'S TO Duddies & Salomé beautifully conceptualized and designed 33 ideas/cards of how to fill a dance with life. Big congratulation for this project!!!

I learned a lot about the capacity to play in this seminario !....! THANK'S TO Duddies & Salomé beautifully conceptualized and designed 33 ideas/cards of how to fill a dance with life. Big congratulation for this project!!!

31.7.23ZürichClub Silbando
31.7.23ZürichClub Silbando

That was a fantastic La Revolucion-Fiesta-Cruise from the beginning of the planning till the sun downer the 1. of August!!! We were not only seduced by the magnificent DJ Daniel Arroyo and his traditional, perfectely balanced tandas - enhightend by his enchanting cortinas - but also by the fresh dancing of fabulous Duddie David Mancini & Salomé Fromonteil :* <3 We love you! & YOUR enthusiasm for dancing and having a good time, celebrating Switzerlands, Duddies and Primos birthdays and eating CAKE at night... & spreading good vibes till the morning hours! Love to evaluate that it is possible to have a milonga till 4 o'clock in Switzerland!!

Also a big thank you to Mika, Amanda, Hector for hands and spirit, and Cesar for the nice pictures :)

That was a fantastic La Revolucion-Fiesta-Cruise from the beginning of the planning till the sun downer the 1. of August!!! We were not only seduced by the magnificent DJ Daniel Arroyo and his traditional, perfectely balanced tandas - enhightend by his enchanting cortinas - but also by the fresh dancing of fabulous Duddie David Mancini & Salomé Fromonteil :* <3 We love you! & YOUR enthusiasm for dancing and having a good time, celebrating Switzerlands, Duddies and Primos birthdays and eating CAKE at night... & spreading good vibes till the morning hours! Love to evaluate that it is possible to have a milonga till 4 o'clock in Switzerland!!

Also a big thank you to Mika, Amanda, Hector for hands and spirit, and Cesar for the nice pictures :)

22.7.23ZürichClub Silbando
22.7.23ZürichClub Silbando
El Gran Silbando

That was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime event! Rompimos la noche!!! ... Thank you dear dancers from near & far for coming together that special night to celebrate this amazing phenomenon called tango in `El Gran Silbando`... There was evolution, cooperation and a groovy party ... We could experience the power of experimentation, improvisation, and art, that can be found in the dance and the music of Argentinian Tango during the beautiful performances of Eugenia Parrilla & Yanick Wyler & Javier Fernandez, Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sanchez - and our own dances... There was diversity, freedom, and passion - and a lot of embraces!! And beautiful glitter... Wonderful to have a place like this !! ... in Zürich, designed by Daniel Ferro, organized under the roof of the Foundation ift-Tango, financed, built, painted and decorated by the community...

And we could live up that night to our dreams and visions of La Revolucion in a way that made a lot of fun, also enabled by the dream-team of the night, DJ Braulio, Anibal, Amanda, Karin, German, Roberto, Daniel, and Cesar Arroyo, who took some beautiful pictures with his camera for our digital memory ...

A big thank you, to all of you!!!

That was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime event! Rompimos la noche!!! ... Thank you dear dancers from near & far for coming together that special night to celebrate this amazing phenomenon called tango in `El Gran Silbando`... There was evolution, cooperation and a groovy party ... We could experience the power of experimentation, improvisation, and art, that can be found in the dance and the music of Argentinian Tango during the beautiful performances of Eugenia Parrilla & Yanick Wyler & Javier Fernandez, Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sanchez - and our own dances... There was diversity, freedom, and passion - and a lot of embraces!! And beautiful glitter... Wonderful to have a place like this !! ... in Zürich, designed by Daniel Ferro, organized under the roof of the Foundation ift-Tango, financed, built, painted and decorated by the community...

And we could live up that night to our dreams and visions of La Revolucion in a way that made a lot of fun, also enabled by the dream-team of the night, DJ Braulio, Anibal, Amanda, Karin, German, Roberto, Daniel, and Cesar Arroyo, who took some beautiful pictures with his camera for our digital memory ...

A big thank you, to all of you!!!

19.5.23ZürichClub Silbando
19.5.23ZürichClub Silbando
Music is in the AIR Hochformat

There are always expectations around events, things that you assume that might happen. And THEN - they were surpassed in what actually HAPPENED!! Hugo Satorre wowed us not only together with a fantastic Emiliano Faryna, but also with an elegant integration of the other AMAZING MUSICIANS around (in this beautiful Festivalito Primavera) IN ZÜRICH. As felicitous surprises appeared together with them on stage - Mariana Mazu, Karl Espegard, Javier Fernandez and Felipe Slimobich - seducing us with their play!!!!!! It was also pure pleasure to see you dancing, with happy feets & faces. Thank you very much for coming, and a big thank you to my dear (Festivalito) friends Ase, Martin, Tom & Katrin for another pleasant co-production <3 <3 <3 <3
Another big hug to our great DJ Gio il Fuz from Italy who made us dance till late hours. Thank you, dear Evgenia, for the beautiful pictures, and Hector, Amanda, Tom, Sonja, Luli, Susan and Anibal for indispensable hands & hearts to bring up such events!! Hope to see you at the next La Revolucion Fiesta the 22.7.2023 in "El Gran Silbando".

Please forgive us the tecnical problems around Felipes solo play later that night. You and he deserve the best conditions to enjoy his fine play. We will create other opportunities. ... And our own soap, for the next opera!!

Que sigue la milonga!

There are always expectations around events, things that you assume that might happen. And THEN - they were surpassed in what actually HAPPENED!! Hugo Satorre wowed us not only together with a fantastic Emiliano Faryna, but also with an elegant integration of the other AMAZING MUSICIANS around (in this beautiful Festivalito Primavera) IN ZÜRICH. As felicitous surprises appeared together with them on stage - Mariana Mazu, Karl Espegard, Javier Fernandez and Felipe Slimobich - seducing us with their play!!!!!! It was also pure pleasure to see you dancing, with happy feets & faces. Thank you very much for coming, and a big thank you to my dear (Festivalito) friends Ase, Martin, Tom & Katrin for another pleasant co-production <3 <3 <3 <3
Another big hug to our great DJ Gio il Fuz from Italy who made us dance till late hours. Thank you, dear Evgenia, for the beautiful pictures, and Hector, Amanda, Tom, Sonja, Luli, Susan and Anibal for indispensable hands & hearts to bring up such events!! Hope to see you at the next La Revolucion Fiesta the 22.7.2023 in "El Gran Silbando".

Please forgive us the tecnical problems around Felipes solo play later that night. You and he deserve the best conditions to enjoy his fine play. We will create other opportunities. ... And our own soap, for the next opera!!

Que sigue la milonga!

17.5.23RavensburgKapuziner Kreativzentrum
17.5.23RavensburgKapuziner Kreativzentrum
on the way

Nach dem erfolgreichen Debüt mit Tangorra, Yanick & Eugenia letztes Jahr im Oktober, sind wir letzten Mittwoch mit Hugo Satorre & Emiliano Faryna zurückgekommen und konnten mit den anwesenden Tänzerinnen, Tänzern und Musikliebhaber/innen einen weiteren schönen Tango-Tanz-Abend verbringen!! Vielen Dank ans Tanzzimmer und ans Kapuziner-Team für die offenen Arme und die gute Stimmung!! Bis bald!

Nach dem erfolgreichen Debüt mit Tangorra, Yanick & Eugenia letztes Jahr im Oktober, sind wir letzten Mittwoch mit Hugo Satorre & Emiliano Faryna zurückgekommen und konnten mit den anwesenden Tänzerinnen, Tänzern und Musikliebhaber/innen einen weiteren schönen Tango-Tanz-Abend verbringen!! Vielen Dank ans Tanzzimmer und ans Kapuziner-Team für die offenen Arme und die gute Stimmung!! Bis bald!

18.3.23ZürichClub Silbando
18.3.23ZürichClub Silbando
work in progress

What a musical heaven Maria Mondino created that Saturday night, dandling us gently higher and higher into pure bliss! The inspiring show of Eugenia Parrilla & Yanick Wyler moved us naturally into another WOW, as do the beautiful pictures of Evgenia Pronina! Thank you all for coming and enjoying company, music and atmospheric Club Silbando at La Revolucion - Fiesta!!

Also a big KISS for Monica, Amanda, Braulio & Jörg for indispensable background work ;)

See you soon, and see you at the next event!!

What a musical heaven Maria Mondino created that Saturday night, dandling us gently higher and higher into pure bliss! The inspiring show of Eugenia Parrilla & Yanick Wyler moved us naturally into another WOW, as do the beautiful pictures of Evgenia Pronina! Thank you all for coming and enjoying company, music and atmospheric Club Silbando at La Revolucion - Fiesta!!

Also a big KISS for Monica, Amanda, Braulio & Jörg for indispensable background work ;)

See you soon, and see you at the next event!!

Rule no 3

The General Assembly of 2022 was: a review and an outlook!

The General Assembly of 2022 was: a review and an outlook!

9.10.22ZürichClub Silbando
9.10.22ZürichClub Silbando

The traditional and the new, contained and framed in another memorable La Revolucion milonga with DJ Anibal & Tangorra!! Unforgettable to sing a song with you on stage... Thank you for coming and sharing your light!

And thank you, dear Evgenia Pronina, for capturing special moments :*

The traditional and the new, contained and framed in another memorable La Revolucion milonga with DJ Anibal & Tangorra!! Unforgettable to sing a song with you on stage... Thank you for coming and sharing your light!

And thank you, dear Evgenia Pronina, for capturing special moments :*

9.10.22ZürichClub Silbando
9.10.22ZürichClub Silbando

Eugenia Parrilla & Yanick Wyler, great people, great artists, and great teachers! feeling grateful for the various co-creations this year...

Eugenia Parrilla & Yanick Wyler, great people, great artists, and great teachers! feeling grateful for the various co-creations this year...

8.10.22RavensburgKapuziner Kreativzentrum
8.10.22RavensburgKapuziner Kreativzentrum
Flyer RV

Es war einfach wunderbar in Ravensburg, der Hauptstadt Oberschwabens! Was für eine Tanzfreude, was für Tanz-Freunde, Tangorra war ganz hingerissen!! Wir haben es alle sehr genossen, vielen lieben Dank für's Kommen! bis ein anderes Mal...

Es war einfach wunderbar in Ravensburg, der Hauptstadt Oberschwabens! Was für eine Tanzfreude, was für Tanz-Freunde, Tangorra war ganz hingerissen!! Wir haben es alle sehr genossen, vielen lieben Dank für's Kommen! bis ein anderes Mal...


summer - dancing tango outside, listening to the music that is played just in front of you, in your home town - summer, with Hugo Satorre & Emiliano Faryna and (tango) friends. life can be so easy. life can be so delightful.

summer - dancing tango outside, listening to the music that is played just in front of you, in your home town - summer, with Hugo Satorre & Emiliano Faryna and (tango) friends. life can be so easy. life can be so delightful.

31.7.22ZürichClub Silbando
31.7.22ZürichClub Silbando

That was definetly an unforgettable night in time!!! Tango in Zürich - thank you all, for bringing such events to life! La Revolucion is dropping a curtsy to awesome artists Daniel Arroyo & Juampy Ramirez, and amazing DJ Giggio Giovanni! And thank you, dear Evgenia, for capturing lights, colors, movements, emotions.

That was FENIX at its best.

That was definetly an unforgettable night in time!!! Tango in Zürich - thank you all, for bringing such events to life! La Revolucion is dropping a curtsy to awesome artists Daniel Arroyo & Juampy Ramirez, and amazing DJ Giggio Giovanni! And thank you, dear Evgenia, for capturing lights, colors, movements, emotions.

That was FENIX at its best.

12.6.22ZürichClub Silbando
12.6.22ZürichClub Silbando
DJane Karin Schneider

Hugo Satorre & Emiliano Faryna thrillred from the beginning till the end of their set. And DJane Karin Schneider transformed straight reception into inspiring tandas, closing the night with Piazolla! That is tango, that is art.

Hugo Satorre & Emiliano Faryna thrillred from the beginning till the end of their set. And DJane Karin Schneider transformed straight reception into inspiring tandas, closing the night with Piazolla! That is tango, that is art.

28.5.22ZürichClub Silbando
28.5.22ZürichClub Silbando

What a night!! Cachivache rocked Tango again, and again, and again! This special night inmidst of Festivalito Tango Primavera was peaked by the beautiful voice of Marcela Arroyo and your good mood. Thank you for coming and celebrating contemporary tango with us!

What a night!! Cachivache rocked Tango again, and again, and again! This special night inmidst of Festivalito Tango Primavera was peaked by the beautiful voice of Marcela Arroyo and your good mood. Thank you for coming and celebrating contemporary tango with us!

8.5.22ZürichClub Silbando
8.5.22ZürichClub Silbando
DJ Sebastiano Canto

An enchanting night with a great show!! Thank you Thomas & Luisa for bringing Analia & Marcelo to Zürich and to La Revolucion Milonga. Together with DJ Sebastiano Canto that was a true pleasure!

An enchanting night with a great show!! Thank you Thomas & Luisa for bringing Analia & Marcelo to Zürich and to La Revolucion Milonga. Together with DJ Sebastiano Canto that was a true pleasure!

20.3.22ZürichClub Silbando
20.3.22ZürichClub Silbando
DJane Bomboncito
Love & Cakes

What a cosy Sunday afternoon milonga that was!! Thanks to DJane Benedicte Bomboncito, the plenty of cake donations and cake lovers, lovers of tango and this happy, light feeling you experiencing dancing delicious tandas in a group of dear fellowers...

What a cosy Sunday afternoon milonga that was!! Thanks to DJane Benedicte Bomboncito, the plenty of cake donations and cake lovers, lovers of tango and this happy, light feeling you experiencing dancing delicious tandas in a group of dear fellowers...

19.3.22ZürichClub Silbando
19.3.22ZürichClub Silbando

DJ Jens-Ingo Brodesser from Bruxelles seduced us with many exquisite tandas of his amazing vinyl-collection, so we were lucky to enjoy a lovely night of tango dancing & working with a dream-team!!

The dances of the Masters of Tango were awesome and you were in good mood, what else could be asked for? <3

DJ Jens-Ingo Brodesser from Bruxelles seduced us with many exquisite tandas of his amazing vinyl-collection, so we were lucky to enjoy a lovely night of tango dancing & working with a dream-team!!

The dances of the Masters of Tango were awesome and you were in good mood, what else could be asked for? <3

21.1.22ZürichClub Silbando
21.1.22ZürichClub Silbando
DJ Sasha

This was an awesome milonga with DJ Alejandro Sasha Vicente-Grabovetsky, Yanick & Eugenia, and all of you! Thank you, dear Evgenia Pronina, for the great intro with your Chacarera-Workshop :*

This was an awesome milonga with DJ Alejandro Sasha Vicente-Grabovetsky, Yanick & Eugenia, and all of you! Thank you, dear Evgenia Pronina, for the great intro with your Chacarera-Workshop :*

9.1.22ZürichClub Silbando
9.1.22ZürichClub Silbando
Flyer Zürich Jan 2022

With our great DJ matador from Zürich, Horacio Filacanavo, giving pleasure to a broader tango community at the after-party of ZTM :))

And thank you so much, Horacio & team for donating your share to the association La Revolucion for the post-pandemic re-start!!

Love you!

With our great DJ matador from Zürich, Horacio Filacanavo, giving pleasure to a broader tango community at the after-party of ZTM :))

And thank you so much, Horacio & team for donating your share to the association La Revolucion for the post-pandemic re-start!!

Love you!

25.2.20Buenos AiresLa Mansion
25.2.20Buenos AiresLa Mansion

When sky and earth begin to merge and dark clouds are rising...

That event actually happened before everything got locked down...

Tango at its best... a collaboration by Playtango & La Revolucion!!!

Thank you for the pictures <3

When sky and earth begin to merge and dark clouds are rising...

That event actually happened before everything got locked down...

Tango at its best... a collaboration by Playtango & La Revolucion!!!

Thank you for the pictures <3

1.2.20Buenos AiresLa Mansion
1.2.20Buenos AiresLa Mansion

That was a real dream, so magic that you just can't believe...

That was a real dream, so magic that you just can't believe...

4.8.19ZürichClub Silbando
4.8.19ZürichClub Silbando
DJ Alper

Good memories of a night full of dances, enabled by powerful DJ Alper Üngör USA/Türkei!!

Good memories of a night full of dances, enabled by powerful DJ Alper Üngör USA/Türkei!!

2.6.19ZürichClub Silbando
2.6.19ZürichClub Silbando

Karl Espegard (violin) from Oslo & Felipe Slimobich (piano) from Buenos Aires always bring their imagination together in the most playful but sweeping way. Together with Anibal Montenegro (BsAs) we had the honor and the pleasure to close Festivalito 2019 with a venerable, powerful finish!!

Great that you were there! As well as Rodrigo Palacios mixing us again delicious drinks!

Karl Espegard (violin) from Oslo & Felipe Slimobich (piano) from Buenos Aires always bring their imagination together in the most playful but sweeping way. Together with Anibal Montenegro (BsAs) we had the honor and the pleasure to close Festivalito 2019 with a venerable, powerful finish!!

Great that you were there! As well as Rodrigo Palacios mixing us again delicious drinks!

24.8.18ZürichClub Silbando
24.8.18ZürichClub Silbando
1st Campeonato ZH
Batman Team

It was a real task for the attending tangueras y tangueros to choose their favorite couple - and then - the batman team won!! Congratulations to Elisa Mongiovi & Tony Lucido, and thank you for your dances, and all the others who showed and wowed, not to forget our DJane of the night, Alia Ramadan, and our amazing bartender Rodrigo Palacios with his project Chiflette!

It was a real task for the attending tangueras y tangueros to choose their favorite couple - and then - the batman team won!! Congratulations to Elisa Mongiovi & Tony Lucido, and thank you for your dances, and all the others who showed and wowed, not to forget our DJane of the night, Alia Ramadan, and our amazing bartender Rodrigo Palacios with his project Chiflette!

21.7.18ZürichClub Silbando
21.7.18ZürichClub Silbando
Queer 3
Queer 1

A wonderful co-creation with Tangoproject en Movimiento, and unforgettable shows ... in Club Silbando ... Thank you for the music, Oliver Greder!!

A wonderful co-creation with Tangoproject en Movimiento, and unforgettable shows ... in Club Silbando ... Thank you for the music, Oliver Greder!!

15.6.18ZürichClub Silbando
15.6.18ZürichClub Silbando

That was our first GALA-Milonga inspired by Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, Amartya Sen, who called “getting ahead with a little assistance“ the GALA approach. GALA also means pleasure, festive clothes and events... That all happend that revolutionary night, musically empowered by DJ Cristianel M. Emme from Italy and wonderful dancers Eugenia Parrilla & Yanick Wyler who just moved from Buenos Aires to Zürich!! Thank you all!

That was our first GALA-Milonga inspired by Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, Amartya Sen, who called “getting ahead with a little assistance“ the GALA approach. GALA also means pleasure, festive clothes and events... That all happend that revolutionary night, musically empowered by DJ Cristianel M. Emme from Italy and wonderful dancers Eugenia Parrilla & Yanick Wyler who just moved from Buenos Aires to Zürich!! Thank you all!

14.1.18ZürichClub Silbando
14.1.18ZürichClub Silbando

Afterparty at it's best! Thank you for coming and enjoying the vibes of DJ Duddie David Mancini from Rome/Munich *****

Dragon Flyer by Karin Schneider!!

Afterparty at it's best! Thank you for coming and enjoying the vibes of DJ Duddie David Mancini from Rome/Munich *****

Dragon Flyer by Karin Schneider!!

2.9.17ZürichClub Silbando
2.9.17ZürichClub Silbando
long tango weekend
DJ Max Moreno

What a tango weekend in Zürich! What a milonga with DJ Max Moreno from Italy! Thank you, Chongrak Sivisay, for capturing the spirit of the night! And La Revolucion was happy to give a warm welcome to Daniel Schnellmann & Caroline Souche who just moved from Paris to Zürich...

What a tango weekend in Zürich! What a milonga with DJ Max Moreno from Italy! Thank you, Chongrak Sivisay, for capturing the spirit of the night! And La Revolucion was happy to give a warm welcome to Daniel Schnellmann & Caroline Souche who just moved from Paris to Zürich...

22.1.17ZürichClub Silbando
22.1.17ZürichClub Silbando

OH, WOW! That was an amazing afterparty with DJ Nicolas Wan Park, and it was his 100th set!!! Thank you all for coming, and thank you Gio IL Fuz for the only picture of the event... <3 we were all so busy dancing <3

OH, WOW! That was an amazing afterparty with DJ Nicolas Wan Park, and it was his 100th set!!! Thank you all for coming, and thank you Gio IL Fuz for the only picture of the event... <3 we were all so busy dancing <3

26.11.16ZürichClub Silbando
26.11.16ZürichClub Silbando

DJ Andrea & DJ Marco bewitched us with their exquisite music collection, there was a stirring Kizomba Show, a birthday cake and birthday dances for Karin Schneider and lovely ladies in the mood for dance... Magic happens! In La Revolucion Milonga.

DJ Andrea & DJ Marco bewitched us with their exquisite music collection, there was a stirring Kizomba Show, a birthday cake and birthday dances for Karin Schneider and lovely ladies in the mood for dance... Magic happens! In La Revolucion Milonga.

29.10.16ZürichClub Silbando
29.10.16ZürichClub Silbando

To experience changes of perspectives with Erin Malley & Doruk Golcu was a great pleasure at La Revolucion - Milonga, musically empowered by our beloved DJane Melissa Caflisch from Zürich!!

I love you, and I love pink ... and punk ... and tango!!

To experience changes of perspectives with Erin Malley & Doruk Golcu was a great pleasure at La Revolucion - Milonga, musically empowered by our beloved DJane Melissa Caflisch from Zürich!!

I love you, and I love pink ... and punk ... and tango!!

24.9.16ZürichClub Silbando
24.9.16ZürichClub Silbando

A lovely night with great shows from Serkan Gokcesu & Cecilia Garcia and powerful music by DJ Vincent El Ghouzzi from Paris.

Top play at all levels!! Thank you all for enjoying, and supporting La Revolucion Milonga.

A lovely night with great shows from Serkan Gokcesu & Cecilia Garcia and powerful music by DJ Vincent El Ghouzzi from Paris.

Top play at all levels!! Thank you all for enjoying, and supporting La Revolucion Milonga.

27.8.16ZürichClub Silbando
27.8.16ZürichClub Silbando

La vida es una milonga
y hay que saberla bailar ...

... like Marina Lienhardt & Lionel Wirz!! a night in red, white, and black with the phenomenal DJ Jens-Ingo Brodesser from Bruxuelles and his amazing vinyl collection! Thank you for coming, dancing and celebrating tango and life with us ...

La vida es una milonga
y hay que saberla bailar ...

... like Marina Lienhardt & Lionel Wirz!! a night in red, white, and black with the phenomenal DJ Jens-Ingo Brodesser from Bruxuelles and his amazing vinyl collection! Thank you for coming, dancing and celebrating tango and life with us ...

7.8.16ZürichClub Silbando
7.8.16ZürichClub Silbando
DJ Thoma

Happy to welcome DJ Thoma from Leibzig for the Zürich Tango Marathon AFTER-PARTY in summer 2016!! Thank you for partying with us!

Happy to welcome DJ Thoma from Leibzig for the Zürich Tango Marathon AFTER-PARTY in summer 2016!! Thank you for partying with us!

25.6.16ZürichClub Silbando
25.6.16ZürichClub Silbando
Titelbild 25.6.2016
Titelbild fb 25.6.16

A wonderful milonga, a spectacular cat-walk endowed by Anita Koller - Modecreator from Munich, all musically accompanied by Duddie David Mancini (Rome/Munich) for full pleasure! That was fun on the dance floor, fun in front and behind the bar. That is La Revolucion Milonga!

Proudly, as you can see, we also presented our policies back then... please have a look at them at the fotos of the event.

(R) Drawings: Karin Schneider (Zürich); texts: Katja Bonheur (Zürich)

A wonderful milonga, a spectacular cat-walk endowed by Anita Koller - Modecreator from Munich, all musically accompanied by Duddie David Mancini (Rome/Munich) for full pleasure! That was fun on the dance floor, fun in front and behind the bar. That is La Revolucion Milonga!

Proudly, as you can see, we also presented our policies back then... please have a look at them at the fotos of the event.

(R) Drawings: Karin Schneider (Zürich); texts: Katja Bonheur (Zürich)

28.5.16ZürichClub Silbando
28.5.16ZürichClub Silbando
Titelbild 1
DJ Tom

That was the starting shot of La Revolucion - Milonga with the decided announcement "Rompamos la noche" and Tom Lukacevic from Zürich at the DJ panel !!!

Also a big thank you, Alexander Müller (Berlin), for the felicitous logo and the beautiful cover picture... A wonderful night, and an heartfelt start it was... indeed...

That was the starting shot of La Revolucion - Milonga with the decided announcement "Rompamos la noche" and Tom Lukacevic from Zürich at the DJ panel !!!

Also a big thank you, Alexander Müller (Berlin), for the felicitous logo and the beautiful cover picture... A wonderful night, and an heartfelt start it was... indeed...

24.1.16ZürichClub Silbando
24.1.16ZürichClub Silbando
DJ Claudio

What an honor to have DJ Claudio Coppola from Paris at the ZTM afterparty! The magician of great tandas created tango heaven in Zürich, immense gratitude to rock the scene even further like this :)

What an honor to have DJ Claudio Coppola from Paris at the ZTM afterparty! The magician of great tandas created tango heaven in Zürich, immense gratitude to rock the scene even further like this :)

2.8.15ZürichClub Silbando
2.8.15ZürichClub Silbando
DJ Carlo Carcano

That was the first event and it was a real coup, with DJ Carlo Carcano from Italy and many great dancers from the Zürich Tango Marathon Summer Edition!!

Thank you, Markus Mächler, for giving me a first opportunity to re-start organizing events, now in the tango environment! What a pleasure!

That was the first event and it was a real coup, with DJ Carlo Carcano from Italy and many great dancers from the Zürich Tango Marathon Summer Edition!!

Thank you, Markus Mächler, for giving me a first opportunity to re-start organizing events, now in the tango environment! What a pleasure!